
Razeva College was established 25th, September, 2000.It is the brainchild of Mrs. Eva Afolabi and sponsored by Alhaji Razak Afolabi the director of the school.

The name Razeva is the acronym carved out of the first names of the director and the proprietress, Razak and Eva as Razeva the institution is co educational and non denominational, creating a conscious effort to overcome every distinction of race, class, colour or creed.

It is a giant stride taken in a bid to complement efforts of government in the development of education.
Razeva as been entirely self supporting since its inception. It is managed by a Board of Governors which takes all major decisions and also advise and assists the school head.
It has accepted the challenge of offering a sound education to students average, below and above average ability.
As the school continues to develop there are plans for improvements as well as provision of additional facilities to existing ones to ensure keeping pace with developments all over the globe.

We look at our history short as it is, with pride and affection. We look forward with eager anticipation to the challenges of the educational needs of children growing up in the 21st Century.

Razeva is a non denominational institution, non-partism and non-discriminatory establishment. The philosophy of the school is to give quality education that would turn out disciplined, self-reliant and creative adults irrespective of the desired career. The students and pupils are encouraged to think creatively and independently with the spirit of healthy competition and cooperation with others.
Ample opportunities are also provided for young people of both sexes to live and work together in a conflict free atmosphere that will foster unity and understanding.
The only criteria for admission are academic merit and the willingness to strive to the utmost, thus achieving excellence in all things.